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Poussi\u00e8res d'\u00e9toiles \u2728<\/b><\/i><\/span><\/a><\/div>\n\n\n\n
METAMORPHOSIS <\/b>GB\/ Our solar system is undergoing a metamorphosis in its temporality and dimension; this forms a transfer geometry towards the new geometry, which is much more stable and adapted to the 5th dimension. The Earth is undergoing the same transformations, its temporality changing little by little and progressing towards this new equilibrium. The solar flashes are contributing in part to the remodelling of this geometry. And the Earth's consciousness is gradually differentiating itself from human consciousness, gradually widening the gap between this metamorphosis and the immobility of human consciousness. In order to integrate this process in the most \u2018pleasant\u2019 way, we need to pay attention to our chakras and their opening; there are many methods for opening and purifying them (such as the Gayatri mantra). By acting regularly on our chakras, we will integrate the new flow of consciousness from Gaia, and drawn into this new dance of Light, we will experience our transformation at the same time as this planet we call Earth.<\/b>\ud83c\udf0e<\/b><\/i>\ud83d\udd4a<\/b><\/i>\u2728<\/b><\/i>\ud83c\udf0e<\/b><\/i>\ud83d\udd4a<\/b><\/i>\u2728<\/b><\/i><\/b>FR\/ Notre syst\u00e8me solaire se m\u00e9tamorphose dans sa temporalit\u00e9 et dans sa dimension ; cela forme une g\u00e9om\u00e9trie de transfert vers la nouvelle g\u00e9om\u00e9trie, beaucoup plus stable et adapt\u00e9e \u00e0 la 5\u00e8me dimension. La Terre subit les m\u00eames transformations, sa temporalit\u00e9 change peu \u00e0 peu et progresse vers ce nouvel \u00e9quilibre. Les flashs solaires contribuent en partie au remodelage de cette g\u00e9om\u00e9trie. Et la conscience de la Terre se diff\u00e9rencie progressivement de la conscience humaine, creusant peu \u00e0 peu l'\u00e9cart entre cette m\u00e9tamorphose et l'immobilisme de la conscience humaine. Afin d'int\u00e9grer ce processus de la mani\u00e8re la plus \u00ab agr\u00e9able \u00bb, nous devons pr\u00eater attention \u00e0 nos chakras et \u00e0 leur ouverture ; il existe de nombreuses m\u00e9thodes pour les ouvrir et les purifier (comme le mantra Gayatri). En agissant r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement sur nos chakras, nous int\u00e9grerons le nouveau flux de conscience de Ga\u00efa, et entra\u00een\u00e9s dans cette nouvelle danse de Lumi\u00e8re, nous vivrons notre transformation en m\u00eame temps que cette plan\u00e8te que nous appelons la Terre.<\/b><\/div>\n\n